Love To Read? Check out BookMooch

I stumbled onto BookMooch care of Ann. It sounds pretty darn interesting.
I have fallen in love with BookMooch. It's a book trading site wherein you create an inventory, gaining 1/10 of a point for each book you include. Then you get points (3 if you're sending internationally) for books you agree to send out. You are deducted 2 points for each book you have sent to you. Simple, but effective.
Of course I do have a small problem with this. I hate getting rid of my books but that is a different story.


Anonymous said...

I've been on BookMooch for about four months. Have cleared about 50 books off of my shelves that way and have gotten a few things I wanted. Mostly I just want to get rid of things and not acquire new ones. You can donate points you don't want or need to charities. It rocks.

Jack Steiner said...

Sounds good. I am pretty sure that I'll check it out.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .