I Hate Doing Dishes

For those of you who like to keep track of the mundane and trivial, I hate doing dishes. I could give you the long sob story about why, but it is far too dull. Suffice it to say that if I never did dishes again I wouldn't notice.


Rafi G. said...

I am fine with the dishes. I hate putting leftover food away though
don't know why..just can't do it.

orieyenta said...

There's always paper plates you know.

RaggedyMom said...

When people ask me if I have a dishwasher, I tell them, "Yep. His name is [RaggedyDad]."

Actually, I don't mind doing dishes - some of my best thinking time is dishes time. Washing the dishes as soon as possible definitely makes the job a lot less difficult.

Maybe I'm just not used to a dishwasher. We didn't have one growing up, and in this apartment, I chose to put a small washing machine into the dishwasher slot. Totally worth every second.

Shelli said...

I'm SO with you. I can't STAND doing them. And guess what my chore is?

stupid dishes.


Jack Steiner said...

I hate putting leftover food away though

The smell?


Paper instead of my fine china. What would mama think. ;)


Good man,


Thinking time? I can buy that.


Lucky you.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .