I Am Packing Challenged

I Am Packing Challenged. Why is it that I always under or over pack. Why can't I find that happy medium that allows me to pack the perfect amount of clothes.

It doesn't matter whether I am going away for a weekend or a month. It is always the same, too much or too little.



Tamara said...

Where you going? Maybe we can help :)

The Misanthrope said...

My shoes tend to take up far too much room and they weigh a ton. But I solved all that -- I don't travel

We're the ones who have to put up with them said...

My motto is underpack and by cute new stuff there.... ;-)

Janet said...

I have the same exact problem. I have a closet full of clothes, but can never seem to find the right things to where when packing. What is up with that?

ifyouwillit... said...

Me too... Hate packing!

Miss Worldwide said...

It's May. Do the "onion" technique: dress in layers. Bring several light items that you can superimpose and add or remove according to the temperature.

Val said...

Jack, you're sounding like a girl! (next thing you'll type is, 'does my butt look big in these pants?"!!!!

Hehehehe - - couldn't resist!
And i have packing issues, too. Always pack too much ... but it's better than forgetting something.

Jack Steiner said...


Help would be nice. Thanks.


I wear a size 12 triple E. I feel your pain.


Cute is not a word I want to use to describe my wardrobe. ;)


Elves. They move your stuff.



The "onion" technique sounds good. Right now I am using the "dip." As in you dip your hand in the bag and see what you can grab a hold of. It is always an adventure.

Jack, you're sounding like a girl!

Damn,it. I knew that someone was listening to me sing. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .