Honey, This Meal Tastes Likes Crap

One more reason to be good to the person cooking your meals.
A disgruntled wife has admitted feeding her estranged husband a curry containing dog excrement after their relationship broke down.


We're the ones who have to put up with them said...

Ha! It's that or spring for a taster...

Irina Tsukerman said...

The real question is: Could he tell the difference?

lxr23g56 said...

Now ya see a dolphin would never do that!

Dolphin love is forever!

AS said...

Not as bad as the bobbit deal...

Sara with NO H said...

Good for her! No point in being a jerk to the woman preparing what goes in your tummy. People never watch movies...how many times have you seen people spit in someone's drink or food in a movie...

benning said...

Well, that earns an "Ewwwww!" from me!


The Babka Nosher said...

yuck. I need to go brush my teeth after reading that!

Jack Steiner said...


If you need to hire a taster it is time to get divorced.


Good question.


Just when we thought the bestiality jokes were done.


Some people say eat shit and mean it literally. I agree, not as bad, but close.

how many times have you seen people spit in someone's drink or food in a movie..
198,236 times.


Me too.


I had to drink a bottle of mouthwash. yuck.

JJ said...

That was a really sh***y thing for the wife to do! :-)

Jack Steiner said...


Oy. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .