Thinking Blogger Awards Irritate Me

One of the latest crazes to hit the blogosphere is the Thinking Blogger award. As I understand it bloggers are given the opportunity to offer an award to the authors of blogs who make them think.

For some reason this rubs me the wrong way. It feels cheesy, stilted and contrived. Maybe it is because the participants are supposed to link back to the original blog.

Or maybe it is just because I am jealous that I didn't come up with the idea.


Anonymous said...

One thing I really like about this award is that I've found some really cool blogs by reading what blogs everyone is nominating for the award.

orieyenta said...

I'm thinking that we need to go and nominate you.

Irina Tsukerman said...

It's not really an award, so much as a meme to bring attention to some thought-provoking blogs. : )

Jack Steiner said...


That is a good thing.

I'm thinking

I thought I smelled something burning. ;)


Fair enough, but it still rubs me the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

A monthly roundup of Jewish blogs is OK, but giving kudos to thought-provoking blogs isn't?

There's a lot of dreck out there in the blogosphere, as you must know. Why not give a pat on the back to people who aspire to something higher? And as Rhea said, it's pretty amazing to follow the links and see what's out there.

Jack Steiner said...

A monthly roundup of Jewish blogs is OK, but giving kudos to thought-provoking blogs isn't?

No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I think that what I don't like is the title. Something about the title just chaps my hide.

The idea is quite smart and needed.

And as I said in my post, maybe I am just jealous that I didn't come up with the idea.

I would be happy if this were the primary source of my distress. It would mean that I have no real problems.

Anonymous said...

I would be happy if this were the primary source of my distress. It would mean that I have no real problems.


Still Good

 I need to revisit this .