Sh*T Happens

A woman survived a fall from a sixth floor balcony when a pile of poo broke her fall.

The lucky - or unlucky - escape happened when the woman was hanging out her laundry.

She suffered only slight injuries in the incident in Nanjing, China.

"She landed in a 20cm thick heap of excrement," the Kuaibao tabloid newspaper gleefully reported.

"Workers happened to be emptying the building's septic tank, which had not been tended for a long time, and had regularly blocked sewage pipes.

"She probably stretched out too far and fell."

Rumor has it she yelled oh crap.


The Babka Nosher said...

stinks to be her!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how that laundry would have smelled?

The Misanthrope said...

I'd say she is one lucky sh*t; to be rather crass.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .