I Miss My Afternoon Nap

I don't know about you but old Jack loves to settle in for a short nap. I try to get somewhere around fifteen or twenty minutes of afternoon shut eye each day.

Most of the time it serves as a relatively painless energy boost. Unfortunately today's shluff time was somehow lost and now I am feeling a little slow and very cranky,

I miss my afternoon nap.


Deadman said...

Would you wike your miwk and cookies anyway?


Anonymous said...

You can take naps almost everyday? I'm so jealous!

The Misanthrope said...

I don't do it everyday, but many a time at lunch I will close my office door and take a 20 or 30 minute nap. It makes all the difference in the world. If I really don't want to be bothered, I open the door with the light off and set up behind the door. As you can tell, I can fall asleep anywhere.

Jack Steiner said...


And a bed time story.


It is a neat trick, but I manage.


It is a good skill to have.

orieyenta said...

I do the same thing every day. It must be because you are almost as OLD as I am ;)

Elie said...

I get one on Shabbos, miss it the rest of the week!

Stacey said...

Nap? Are you for real? Hell, with a full-time job, 2 young kids, and no time to scratch my @ss, I'm lucky if I get 5-6 hrs. of sleep at night.

Jack Steiner said...

It must be because you are almost as OLD as I am ;)

Nope, I am much younger than you and the old lady from Texas. ;)


A good Shabbos nap is a luxury.

and no time to scratch my @ss,

That is too much information. ;)

Annie said...

There was just an article in sports illustrated on how napping substantively helps performance. Pro-athletes in favor of napping, whatever will be next?

Jack Steiner said...


I am a professional napper.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .