Happy Pesach

Chag sameach from all of us at the Shack. We wish you a very happy and healthy Passover. May your seders be meaningful, may our captives be redeemed and on a less serious note may your cholesterol not go through the roof.


Anonymous said...

If I can get my hands on a jar of Kosher for Passover schmaltz, my cholesterol is doomed. Happy Pesach!

torontopearl said...

Chag kasher v'sameach to you and your family, Jack.

Val said...

Happy Passover to you and your family, Jack. i'm still recovering... aaaah! ;)

Jack Steiner said...

Rhea, Pearl and Val,

Chag sameach to you all. Thank you for the kind wishes.

have popcorn will lurk said...

A happy and kosher Pesach!

have popcorn will lurk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .