A Blog I Enjoy Reading

I have often said that I enjoy blogging because of the interaction with people I might not normally get to meet. It is not your basic voyeurism, it is more than that. It is a chance to look through the window and see more than half dressed people.

It is a chance to get to know and understand these people in a way that you might not ever have the opportunity to do.

Long time readers of the blog might recall reading my posts. You Should Be a Rabbi Parts I and II. In them I discussed some of my thoughts about the rabbinate as well as mentioned my interest and appreciation for NY's Funniest Rabbi. Fortunately the good rabbi is still blogging so I am still able to enjoy his posts.

A short time I stumbled onto the blog of yet another rabbi. It is called Rabbi Without A Cause and it has become a new favorite. I appreciate the honesty and the consistency with which he posts. Read about how the big scary rabbi has a problem with women. Hey, do you think that anyone is going to find my blog by doing a search for big scary rabbi. ;)

On a more serious note, he really does produce posts that I find to be interesting because for lack of a better expression he is able to let his hair down. You get a chance to look behind the mask that the rabbi is usually forced to wear.

1 comment:

rabbi neil fleischmann said...

Great post. I think I got the pont. Tell me if I missed anythng. The main message here is that you have interest in and appreciation for my blog. Was there anything else?

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .