Vocabulary Words

I enjoy language and I enjoy learning new words. Here are some that are not used in every day conversation.
re·vanche (rə-vänch', -väNsh') pronunciation
  1. The act of retaliating; revenge.
  2. A usually political policy, as of a nation or an ethnic group, intended to regain lost territory or standing.

[French, from Old French revancher, to revenge : re-, re- + vengier, vencher, to avenge; see revenge.]

revanchism re·vanch'ism (-vän'chĭz-əm, -väN'shĭz-) n.
revanchist re·vanch'ist adj. & n.
revanchistic re·vanch·is'tic adj.
a.[L. ridere, risum, to laugh.]
Pertaining to, or producing, laughter; as, the risorial muscles.
pa·ron·y·mous (pə-rŏn'ə-məs) pronunciation

Allied by derivation from the same root; having the same stem; for example, beautiful and beauteous.

a.[L. rugatus, p. p. of rugare to wrinkle, fr. ruga a wrinkle.]
Having alternate ridges and depressions; wrinkled. Dana.


DK said...

Good words.

Elie said...

Neat! I love learning new words.

Jack Steiner said...

My pleasure.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .