13 Photos That Changed The World

Neatorama has a list of of 13 photographs that they feel changed the world. What do you think?


Annie said...

They missed one of the civil rights movement, where a white man is using the top of a flagpole (with American flag attached) as an offensive weapon against a black man.

Can't remember the whole context, but just that it was moving, and had a huge effect.

Alan aka Avrum ben Avrum said...

Dear Jack,

I don't know but that guy pointing to Che's wound sure looks like he is wearing a nazi uniform?!

I remain,

Very Sincerely Yours,

Alan D. Busch

Jack Steiner said...


Good point.


It sure does. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for calling attention to that, Jack. I love photojournalism, and those explanations are very good.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Stephen,

It is my pleasure.

Alice said...

I love the way the soldier is holding his left arm in 'the kiss'. The way her body is twisting is cool too. The strength of his arm and the femininity of her body are so perfectly captured. One of the best photos ever taken.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Alice,

It is pretty cool. Some people think that she was "forced" to kiss him. I can see it both ways.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .