Undercover In The UK Mosques

This is video footage from inside some British mosques. It is part of an undercover assignment gathered by a British television program. It is very alarming.

Part 2

Part 3


JJ said...

I'm going to have to come back and watch these later when I have more time, but for now I'll take a guess- they're preaching peace, love, and tolerance toward your fellow man?

Jack Steiner said...

How'd you know. ;)

lxr23g56 said...

thanks for posting this Jack, ot was very interesting. have you checked out the stuff i recently put up?

Goof Proofer said...

'Take the homosexual man and throw him off a mountain'
They're obviously only trying to help a skydiver! Nice people!

Jewish Atheist said...


lxr23g56 said...

Hi Jack I found a comeplete version and have posted it on my blog if you are interested.

Click Here

Anonymous said...

It's all horrifying, but not surprising. I think we know the truth about Islam by now. At least, I hope people are willing to recognize what's going on.

They use the term "Kuffar" for non-believer and "kaffir" for bad beliefs. Sounds like it may come from the same root word as "kefirah". (Just an academic note.)

Brooke said...

Freaky stuff, huh? Makes me glad to be a kuffar.

Kelli said...

It looks like YouTube deleted the videos. Hmm.

I have to say that only makes me more interested.

Jack Steiner said...


I hear you.


I am sure that they are around.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .