Health Is More Important Than Age

From CNN's story about Dr. Roizen:

"Their latest best-seller: "You: on a Diet," subtitled "The Owner's Manual for Waist Management," was No. 1 on The New York Times best-seller list of advice books in mid-December and their book, "You: the Owner's Manual" was No. 7.

Picture of health

To look at Roizen, it's clear that his waist self-management is working flawlessly for him. His face is unlined, and at 5 feet, 4 inches tall, he wears his 135 pounds well.

Did he ever struggle with weight, the focus of his book and his medical inclinations? Roizen offers a brief frown, a glance at the ceiling of his book-lined office -- many of them his books, buttressed by awards, plaques and appreciative letters -- and acknowledges yes, years ago in between competitive squash seasons.

Roizen, whose offseason weight would balloon to perhaps to 150 pounds before the beast was subdued, says dieting and a healthy lifestyle have been too much trouble for most people.

"We have not made healthy as much fun as we've made video games or as much fun as we made reality shows, and it should be," he says. "The mistake we've made with healthy is not making it understandable enough for everyone to enjoy their own body and understand what's going on."

That's where the YOU brand enters the picture. Like the earlier Roizen-Oz books, "You: The Smart Patient" and "You: The Owner's Manual," "You: On a Diet" offers healthy advice in simple language meant for the masses.

Example: They describe fat as an energy bank account for making needed withdrawals and compare cholesterol in arteries to grout used to fix cracks in shower tiles."

I think that I am going to check the books out.


Anonymous said...

I read his RealAge book and took the quiz at his website. He has some good suggestions, but I don't know if his fitness advice is the best you can get. But it's a field where you hear a lot of conflicting information.

Jack Steiner said...

Conflicting information is right- I don't expect there to be one right way, I am just looking for my way.

JJ said...

He and Dr. Oz are on Oprah a lot, and I'm always fascinated by what they have to say. Now, if I could only follow some of their advice!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .