Truth Or Fiction

Just for fun I thought that I'd create a list of things/experiences that I may or may not have done. It is an interactive exercise. If you wish to participate your job is to identify which things I have really done and which I have not.

Ready? Here we go:
  1. I used to do 700 push ups each night.
  2. Climbed Mt. McKinley.
  3. Proposed marriage on top of the Eiffel Tower.
  4. Appeared on a Game Show.
  5. Won the lottery.
  6. Joined the Marines.
  7. Been hit by a car.
  8. Gone River rafting down the Amazon.
  9. Played bass in a garage band.
  10. Was a member of three Safaris.
  11. Won the Pacific Coast Showmens League scholarship four years running.
  12. Placed 212th in 1990 Heisman balloting.
  13. Successfully drank a gallon of beer at one sitting.
  14. Lived in cleveland for three weeks and survived.
  15. Benchpressed 330 pounds.
  16. I can bark like a dog.
  17. Tore the doors off a pickup truck.
  18. Was employed as a waiter.
  19. Was employed as a teacher.
  20. Was employed as a professional clown.
  21. Took 3rd place in the International Festival of Blind Polka Dancers.


ChickyBabe said...

A professional clown? Must have been fun to do yet they scare me...

Libby Spencer said...

Heh. I'll guess 3, 8 and 9 are true and having arrived via your profile, I might add I'm surprised at how much we have in common considering the difference in our ages.

Nice blog.

Jack Steiner said...


Clowns are one of those things that some people love and others hate.


As much as I'd love to say that those three are correct, the answer is no. But who knows what the future holds.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing all of the following are true:

• Appeared on a Game Show.
• Been hit by a car.
• Played bass in a garage band.
• Successfully drank a gallon of beer at one sitting.
• Lived in cleveland for three weeks and survived.
• Benchpressed 330 pounds.
• Was employed as a professional clown.

After that, I'm not going to hazard any more guesses. And I guess I was wrong about playing the bass.

have popcorn will lurk said...

I be they are all true except you lived in Cleveland longer!

Jack Steiner said...

I will answer each line, but I think that I am going to sit on this a bit longer.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Jack: All of those are distinct possibilities.

Except for living in Cleveland for three weeks and surviving.

No way.

Of course, thats if you consider Ezzie a "surviver".


Still Good

 I need to revisit this .