The Paradox of Choice and the Secret to Happiness

I very much enjoyed this lecture by Professor Barry Schwartz.


Anonymous said...

Wow. There is a lot to think about there...

A lot...

Thanks for pointing me in his direction, Jack.

Jack Steiner said...

Glad to, I thought that it was good.

Anonymous said...

The Prof's points definitely have merit. On the other hand, I think that any practical proposal to limit choice would probably do more harm than good.

IMHO the best solution is to teach people how to deal with choice in a productive way, part of which includes not getting too hung up on past decisions that haven't worked out.

Really like the blog!

rabbi neil fleischmann said...

looks interestng but i still use dial up and it takes forever to get this stuff...

Jack Steiner said...




DSL has gotten to be quite affordable. it should be similar to dial up, or so I would imagine. It would make your browsing much more enjoyable.

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