The Death of a Blog

I noticed that several blogs I read on a semi-regular basis seem to be dying, if not dead. They fall into a couple of categories:

1) Have been deleted and their domains taken over by others.
2) Have not been updated in months.
3) Someone is in the process of deleting posts.

Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. I think that for some people it is just too hard to continue to maintain their blogs.

All I know is that I was sorry to see some of them go.


miriam sawyer said...

I hate it when a blogger I enjoy disappears! Sometimes it is the fault of blogger.

A Simple Jew said...

I was just wondering yesterday where Mirty from Texas went. Remember her?

Jack Steiner said...




She is around...somewhere.


He made an announcement on his blog about his retirement.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .