AM Radio

My first car had an AM Radio. Knobs and little push buttons kept me in touch with the various stations. Every time I think about it I smile. KRLA- I know that I am not the only one who remembers them.


Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhh jack...a trip down memory lane...not only did i have AM radio but was living in windsor the home of CKLW and going to college in detroit Motown...ah the 60s rocked...stay safe

cruisin-mom said...

krla, khj, sam riddle, wolfman jack...there was nothing like am radio!

Jack Steiner said...


I have been to Windsor. It was a nice city.


Wolfman Jack- we loved that guy.

Anonymous said...

The Misanthrope

That was great. that was my youth they were talking about. I remember Boss Radio 93 KHJ.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .