If You Can't Pass The Test: RIOT

This never would have happened in Mayberry.

"Hundreds of people applying to join the police have gone on the rampage in the northern Indian city of Ghaziabad.

Riots began because many felt a written test was too difficult, officials say.

The mob of would-be officers rampaged along a stretch of the main road to Delhi, attacking people and property. Almost 30 people were arrested.

Passengers were forced from their vehicles and reports say several women were molested. It took police an hour to bring the riots under control.

Women assaulted

About 20,000 hopefuls had turned up on Sunday evening to take the written test assessing their suitability to be constables in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh police.

The state's home secretary, RM Srivastava, told the BBC that the candidates were upset because they found the question paper too difficult.

As they left the police headquarters in Ghaziabad, several hundred angry applicants began stopping cars and buses on the highway, breaking windows and demanding lifts.

The mob then ran out of control along a 5km (three-mile) section of the main highway to Delhi, smashing fences, looting food from kiosks and beating up shopkeepers.

Security forces baton-charged the rioters to restore order."

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .