The Return Of Haveil Havalim and AbbaGav

The battle for cyberspace supremacy can be vicious. Just ask AbbaGav and he'll confirm it. Personally I am not convinced that they are any worse than celtic fans, but that is just me. And while we are on the topic, the good news is that it is 20 years since the celtics had a real team.

So the anti-Haveil Havalim crowd did their best to squelch the most recent edition at AbbaGav. The battle was long and hard. Not quite Latrun or Castel like. In fact it was probably more like the Battle of the Bulge as more than 2,000 Twinkies were consumed as the dueling keyboards went at it.

Fortunately good prevailed over evil and we have the latest edition to present to you. Click here.


marallyn ben moshe said...

ahhhhhhhhh twinkies!!! you sure know how to hurt a gal...

have popcorn will lurk said...

There's an anti-Haveil Havalim crowd??

Jack Steiner said...


you don't know the half of it. ;)


Shh...They might find me.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .