Play This Game At Your Next Party

You can order it here. For those of you who are not quite sold on it, you can find a review of it here. Here is a short blurb about it:
"Each of the bugs comes with best before dates and they come from carefully selected farms which is better than picking a few out of a nearby garden. A pinch of flavour has also been added to make the experience all the more savoury. Smokey Bacon Crickets and Chilli flavour worm crisps are just a mouthful away."


Elie said...

Ugh - thanks for ruining my lunch! From now on I read your blog before I eat!

Fern @ Life on the Balcony said...

Uhm...If I wasn't already a vegetarian and didn't already keep kosher, I think I would quickly adopt both if I was at a party and the host pulled those out.

Jack Steiner said...


It is my pleasure. ;)


Protein, just one more source of protein.

The back of the hill said...

Many native cultures around the world eat shrotzim.

When I was in Indonesia, I ate grilled sago-palm grubs (big, fat, buttery), and bee-larva (small, fat, and buttery) with chilies.

I passed on the grasshoppers and praying mantii - too crunchy looking.

If you think about it, most shellfish are simply giant bugs. Very tasty giant bugs.

Still, I suspect that most of the stuff in that game will not ever pass my lips. I do have some limits.

Jack Steiner said...


Some of those are a little too exotic for my taste.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .