I Locked My Keys in the Car

A recipe for an interesting day.

Step #1: Lock your keys in your car. Bonus points for those who are brave enough to do this in relatively deserted locations.

Step #2: Realize that not only are your keys locked in the car but you are in dire need of a bathroom.

Step #3: Run like a madman through the streets in search of sanctuary.

I'll let you decide what other ingredients should be added to this mix.


Jack Steiner said...

The day is not over yet. It took a handful of former Dodgers to beat my team.

I suppose that now I have to wait until next year.

Anonymous said...

my daughter in law did it with the baby, one year old, still inside...that was a half hour none of us will forget!!!

Shoshana said...

How about locking your purse, along with your cell phone, inside the car. Been there, done that one.

Jack Steiner said...


Sounds like a hairy situation.


Fortunately I had the cellphone in my pocket.

Brandon Corfman said...

Nice Logan's Run reference.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .