A Dear Friend is Sick

A good friend of mine is sick. They have fought through so much and now I come to find out that another health issue has developed.

I feel badly for them. To be clear, I don't mean that to sound like I pity them, because I do not. But that doesn't mean that I cannot feel badly that they are having a rough time. And it certainly doesn't mean that I cannot be frustrated that I am unable to provide more help.

In case you are wondering, I have been asked to keep this under wraps which is why I am being so vague. But if you want to say some tehillim for Jack's pal I wouldn't fight it.


Sarah Likes Green said...

refuah sheleimah for your friend

Val said...

Consider it done.

Elie said...

Do you want to share the Hebrew name for a mishebayrach?

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Sarah and Val,

Thank you.


It is a sticky situation. The friend who is sick is very concerned about their privacy.

There are a couple of people who read this blog who know this person. So in the interest of protecting their privacy I'll have to decline providing their name for now.

But thank you, I really do appreciate it.

Irina Tsukerman said...

Refuah sheleimah for him or her. Your friend is in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

"To be clear, I don't mean that to sound like I pity them, because I do not" - It would'nt be a terrible thing to pity them would it? Midat Harachmanut is a Jewish Mida.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .