911 Operator- Do You Want Us To Shoot Her


Jack Steiner said...


Ezzie said...

What's confusing is she calls him "Mike". It's almost like she knows him, and vice versa...

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

Was this real?

Jack Steiner said...


She is from cleveland, what do you expect. ;)


I think so.

Anonymous said...

There is some missing context here. define out of control? if she was calling because a kid was acting up, I see Mikes point.

people call 911 for the dumbest reasons.

Here's another one for you;

Caller: "I'm scared, I just got a Ouija board for my birthday, and now there's writing on my wall and I can't get it off ... this thing is going back to K-Mart first thing in the morning!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .