Scared To Comment

This post has received more than 1,023,083 visitors and yet less than one percent of the visitors have left a comment.

Make of that what you will.


lxr23g56 said...

are you for real or just kidding, cuz thats lots people.

Anonymous said...

probably just tourists passing least you didn't have to feed them and make coffee...stay safe

Anonymous said...

Holy Moses!?!

Anonymous said...

Why does that number exceed your hit counter? (in the side bar)

have popcorn will lurk said...

Hey Jack!

Are you going to answer your own question?


Jack Steiner said...


It may be a shack, but it is a very big shack.


We serve Manna. Just remember to grab a double portion on Friday.


Better to be holy than holey.


Because like a car odometer it turned over and started again. Any other questions?


The answer is 42.

Sarah Likes Green said...

that's an impressive number.
wonder why people don't comment.

Jack Steiner said...

They are intimidated by the high fallutin talk and posts here.

Anonymous said...

I hope that was sarcasm.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .