It Used to be Cool But Now I am Embarrassed

On the way home from work I was stuck in traffic and was trying to think about a topic for the blog and here is what I came up with. I have an incomplete list of things that I used to think were cool but am embarrassed about.

1) I used to be disappointed that I couldn't grow a mullet.
2) Somewhere there is a picture of me dressed like I was Crockett or Tubbs. You pick, it doesn't matter.
3) It was never cool, but there are a couple of Celine Dion songs that I onced enjoyed.

What things do you want to share?


Anonymous said...

I used to aggressively seek out two-tone shoes while in high school thinking I was cool and dressing like a rock star. I may come back and delete this as it is still embarrassing to even think about.
The Misanthrope

AbbaGav said...

I used to like disco music, narrow 80's ties, and Barry Bonds. What was I thinking?

Stacey said...

I STILL like disco music!

dorothy rothschild said...

Two words: stirrup pants.

Also, neon-colored clothing.

White ballerina flats.

A bolo tie worn with an oversized white shirt and the above-mentioned stirrup pants and white ballerina flats.

And reaching way back to fifth grade here...

John Denver.

Anonymous said...

Farrrah Fawcett feathered hair!!!

Jack Steiner said...


I'd love to see some pictures.


I can get behind the first few, but how can you support a Giant. Feh. Next thing you know you'll tell me that you had a secret Danny Ainge fetish.


How very shocking. ;)


I remember the neon thing. Here in LA the day-glo lit up the night.


I remember that style, the same way that I remember that Dorothy Hamil haircut.

Baleboosteh said...

Lol! The one about the mullet really cracked me up. If you are really dissappointed, maybe you should come to Australia - miraculously a mullet is bound to!

Val said...

Disco music is AWESOME... mid 70's to early 80's had some excellent dance music!
I DID have a mullet... what WAS I thinking?
You make me smile, Jack! :)

B2 said...

Parachute pants.

Soccer Dad said...

I used to like shirts with murals on them. And leisure suits.

You happy? Now I can't run for office ever again.

Jack Steiner said...

I get the feeling that some people are avoiding answering this thread.

have popcorn will lurk said...

I already said too much under the Time Warp post.

What things do you want to share?


Anonymous said...

80's hair. I had an assymetrical haircut that was widely admired. I think they put something in the water that affected everyone

ps- I saw Asia at an concert yesterday. Suffice to say, there were plenty of guys with mullets hanging around.

Jack Steiner said...

The Heat of The Moment......

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .