Great College Recruitment Video

Actually this video makes me think of some really bad sitcoms from the '80s. I keep expecting to see some washed up old actors make an appearance.


Anonymous said...

This is the first time I come to your site, I didn't get to read a random comment. Though I watched this video i couldn't stop laughing.It's like the facts of life meets Saved by the Bell the college years.

Jack Steiner said...


It is called YouTube, ;)


That it is.

Bill said...

Embarrassing. If I went to Appalachian University I would be transferring right about NOW.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Rebecca,

Just busting your chops. Some of it is stuff that I stumble on and some of it is sent to me.


You mean that you didn't. And I thought that you were Hot, Hot, Hot. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .