Gilad Shalit

Gilad Shalit is the name of the soldier that was kidnapped by terrorists and is currently being held for ransom. Here is a short roundup of posts that you should read about this subject:
What Gilad's father is thinking

One Soldier's Life.

Keep Him in Your Prayers

Channel 1 breakdown of Terrorist infiltration

Hamas leadership in Syria apparently behind kidnapping

I want to go back to David's post and cite something he said there.

"I am also a father of a Gilad. In a few short years my Gilad will be donning the uniform of his country and will potentially be asked to walk in harms way.

I know with absolute certainty that there is no price I would not pay to secure the release of my son if (G- forbid) he were ever taken hostage by the enemy. I would endanger the lives of 100... or even 1000... other people's sons, and would throw open the doors of every prison in the land if it would mean having my precious son home again safe and sound. I would even gladly exchange my own life for the chance to let my son marry, have children and enjoy a full life of his own.

This is the reason why fathers should not make the decisions in such cases... and why the depths of an individual father's love for his son should never be considered by the government in matters of national security. The government must be strong when the soul of every mother and father in the land screams out that this one life must be saved at any cost... because the alternative is to allow ourselves to become a nation held hostage."

Very powerful words and quite true. Pray for Gilad and pray for peace and pray that those responsible for these actions receive fruits of their bounty. Justice shall be served.


The Jewish Freak said...

Thanks for the info. Our heros make great sacrifices.

Anonymous said...

I am a mother of 3. I hope never to experience the trauma that gilad's parents are going through now. We can all be clever with words when some one else's child is in trouble. Now we must have faith in Israel to get this boy back to his family. The prayers of all mothers and fathers are with the Shalit family. We demand his release.......unharmed.Shalom

Jack Steiner said...


It is important to remember this.


It is a scary thing.

Anonymous said...

Even in the most trying times, the man is consummate mench.

Thank you Jack.

treppenwitz said...

Jack... Thank you for spreading the word.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .