Too Drunk To Work- It Doesn't Matter

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A Dutch insurer is offering employers in the country the chance to insure themselves against the sudden rise in staff sick days expected during next month's soccer World Cup.

Tens of thousands of Dutch workers phoned in ill during the European Championships in Portugal in 2004, with sickness levels rising 20 percent on days when the Dutch national side played.

"We are expecting a lot of claims," said Dennis Massaar of insurer SEZ.

Under Dutch law, companies must pay employees who are too ill to report to work. They can insure themselves against this, but most policies apply only to absences longer than two weeks.

SEZ said it would waive the usual two-week time limit and pay out for any employees absent on the day of a Netherlands match or the day after, regardless of the excuse given.

"Obviously nobody will phone in and say they're ill because they want to watch the match or because they drank too much."

I know more than a couple of people who want a plan like this.


Richmond said...

Holy Cow! I can think of many people who would like that. But how in the world to the companies afford such a policy?? Does a loaf of bread cost $10.95 there? Do consumers eventually pick up the tab?

AS said...


Sarah Likes Green said...

better to be prepared!

Jack Steiner said...


Maybe it pays to be Dutch.




How very true.

kasamba said...

Do you have any IDEA about what the world cup means to people in Europe???????

During world cup, if you walk into any shop there are no men to be seen AT ALL. You feel like you're in one of those 'amazonian women take over the world but leave one man alive for procreation purposes'.

Pesach said...

The features on your site are really empressive, I might have to borrow a few. I really like the link-click tracker, very cool.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

What is next!!

Jack Steiner said...

Yes, I am familiar with the meshugehnehs.




Wait and see.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .