The Shmata Queen Doesn't Believe

The Shmata Queen Doesn't Believe: Fill in the Blank, as in

The Shmata Queen doesn't believe that cleveland is a nice place to live.


MUST Gum Addict said...

The Shmata Queen doesn't believe that chocolate contains calories.

Stacey said...

Jack, you are such a dweeb!

Must Gum Addict: Well it DOESN'T!! (Does it?)

Jerusalemcop said...

the shmata queen doesnt believe that Jack needs to feel the need to bash the midwest every day

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

the shmata queen doesn't need to constantly bring up the monkey references.

miriam sawyer said...

that 5'1" and 160 lbs makes a woman fat.

Stacey said...

J-Cop: Damn straight!!

Sweetooth: I know...what is it w/him and monkeys??

Miriam: Uhhh, not exactly. But if we were talking about what Jack thinks, you are dead on!

Jack Steiner said...


You ought to see the Gematria behind dweeb. It is fascinating.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

The Shmata Queen doesn't believe that shmatas belong on a person's head.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .