Most Popular Post Based Upon Stats

Call me a stat hound, but I find it interesting to see which posts come up as being the most popular. GoStats shows the following snapshot:

Haveil Havalim #54 Big and Beautiful

Haveil Havalim #61- Call Me Roger Maris

Happy Holidays is An Appropriate Greeting

Haveil Havalim #43

Give Me Time and I will Be Rich, Rich, Rich

Love That Takes Your Breath Away

What The Hell Happened to Courtesy

The GermoPhobe

The tears that do not fall

I don't know what any of this means, or should I say I am not sure that I can assign all that much meaning to this. These are posts that are clicked on more than any others. The stats go from their initial posting through today.

As I mentioned it is just a snapshot of what I have produced in almost two years. I probably should pull out the roundups because that is not really a true post. If you do that you see a few serious and some not so serious posts. It is rather random, which really is fitting for this particular blog.


Soccer Dad said...

Maybe I did have a good idea :-)

Jack Steiner said...


Still Good

 I need to revisit this .