How Did You Develop Your Blogroll

Hello boys and girls. In the past I have asked you for your feedback on many different aspects of blogging including but not limited to:

How Many Blogs Do You Read?
Do you Have Blog Envy?
Bloggers- Do their pictures match the writing?

And now I am curious to get your input on how you developed your blogroll.

Do you blogroll everyone who blogrolls you and if so, do you blogroll bloggers whose blogs you do not read?

Is it more important to you to have a "comprehensive" blogroll or one that is only composed of your "favorite" blogs?

Has your philosophy changed at all since you first began blogging?

When you first began blogging did you copy the blogroll of the blogs you thought were the coolest?

I am all ears now.


cruisin-mom said...

I seem to have blogrolled most people who have blogrolled me, because those are the blogs I enjoy reading.
I like having a blogroll composed of my favorite blogs...not a great big blogroll.
Some people still choose not to blogroll me *wink,wink* but that's okay, I don't take it personally.

Jerusalemcop said...

when is started, i blogrolled about 30 different sites that i would read daily.

Due to a lot of reasons, I now only read maybe the same ten blogs every day.

I haven't taken the others off my blogroll and I probably wont since I like to see who updated and sometimes my curiosity gets to me and I read other ones not on my favorites list.

(dont worry Jack, you're one of the ten) ;)

Shabbat shalom


Michael said...

I have 218 blogs on my blogroll. Too many I know but I get swept in by so many lifes and so many good writers.
There are about 30 that I read every word of. Most I skim through bloglines and read what grabs my attention.

The blogs do change on my blogroll. I have blogrolled some because they blogrolled me and then really didn't enjoy reading them and guiltily removed them.

I certainly have blog envy. There are some incredible people and fantastic writers out there. I wish I could captivate as well as them.

Blogging started out as a personal release and progressed into a dynamic social interaction. It is slowly returning to a presonal space and I write selfishly for me and not an audience.

Thanks for the space to vent some of my wind. I do enjoy your blog and the thoughts that you encourage.

Take Care

westbankmama said...

I blogroll those blogs that I find I read on a regular basis (the "only once in a while" ones are on my bookmark list but not on the blogroll).

bornfool said...

I started out blogrolling the people that I read every day. I usually find 2 or 3 new blogs I like every week. It sometimes takes me a long time to update the blogroll.
If I run across someone who has me blogrolled, I usually reciprocate.
Does anybody else do the following? I read the blogrolls of all my favorite bloggers. (I've read yours.) That's where I pick up my 2 to 3 new blogs a week.
I do have a couple of people blogrolled that I know longer read, either because their blog changed or I just lost interest. So far I haven't taken them off my blogroll. I guess I don't wnat to hurt their feelings.

dorothy rothschild said...

I blogroll anyone who blogrolls me, plus I have some blogs that I have on that list that I like to read, and so put them on there. I do stop by every single blog on my list at least once a day to see what's going on.

Jack Steiner said...

Folks, I have a child on my lap so I have to make this short, but I wanted to say thank you for your replies.

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

Hmmm? I am not sure if your last comment Jack was suppose to end this thread (am I using that word right), but what the heck, I will throw in my two cents too.

When I first started to read blogs, I literally went down the list of several blogrolls and read each persons posts. What I liked, I bookmarked.

When I started my own blog, it was suggested to me to censor who I added to my blogroll. There are some great sites that I like to read, but may not blend well in certain crowds.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Jaime,

Nope, I wasn't ending it. I generally try to answer each comment individually. I am not all that good at it, but I do try.

Anyway, my daughter climbed onto my lap so I was forced to type with one hand. It was too hard to respond to each, so I fudged it and gave a group response.

Ezzie said...

This may/may not surprise you, but I read all but about 5 of the blogs on my blogroll regularly... and of those 5, I read most once in a while. I'm more likely to blogroll those who've blogrolled me, if only because they're usually the type of bloggers I'd enjoy reading, but there are many, many bloggers who have me on theirs that I don't have (and the reverse is true as well - I link to bloggers who likely don't read my blog or link to me).

I like to add new blogs to the mix, and usually find them through intelligent comments on my own blog or occasionally on others'; but I feel guilty about removing blogs, which is a bit of a problem. When they retire, it's easy - I just put them in "Retired". But if I just don't enjoy it anymore... well, they stay there for now, until I can divide my blogroll into sections.

BrooklynWolf said...

Generally, I blogroll only those that I read. I also monitor to see that they are actively posting and drop them if they are not.

The Wolf

Jack Steiner said...


Makes sense to me.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .