Gas Prices- Why Do I feel Like I am Getting Screwed

NEW YORK ( - Americans taking to the road now that the weather's getting warmer can expect to pay about 25 cents more for a gallon of gasoline this summer, the government said Tuesday.


Topwomen said...

We are getting screwed because we're a captive audience and unfortunately all our senate hearings that were supposed to help call a halt to such profits by oil companies did didly squat--for many reasons! If you're really concerned, one small way to voice your disapproval is by putting an Exxoff button on your site. That's my way of saying on a daily basis that I'm tired of this nonsense!

The Misanthrope said...

Because we are. Our government should be encouraging new sources of energy, but instead we are allowed to be held hostage so a few can get incredibly wealthy.

Jack Steiner said...

It just makes me angry.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .