
I am frustrated. I am irritated. I am irked, unhappy and determined to sulk for about ten minutes, or however long it takes me to write this post.

Part of why I am pissed off is because I can't talk about what is pissing me off. I can't get much more detailed than to say that Sauron's eye is upon me and I am not in a position to go fight the Ringwraiths, not yet.

Is that geeky enough or should I say that I am Luke Skywalker and my command of the force is still too raw to take on Darth Vader.



MUST Gum Addict said...

Nothing beats a 40 oz slurpee to put you in a happier (and zippier) mood! Anything I can do to help?

Jack Steiner said...

If you can give me 1.2 billion dollars to play with for a week or two we might have something, otherwise I have to say no.

But I do appreciate the offer. Thank you.

MUST Gum Addict said...

Damn that Shola...

Regina said...

Scream into a pillow, Jack- I find that helps... a little anyways...

PsychoToddler said...

Patience, my young Padawan.

Jack Steiner said...


Almost 20 years

Next week marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of this spot. Hard to believe, not many have kept going since then. I have barely kept up...