Ask Any Question

Ask me anything and I shall answer it. As delineated in the terms and conditions of this blog there is no promise, guarantee or implied promise or guarantee that said answer will be factual, helpful, interesting, funny, or otherwise. Failure to ask a question and miss out on this foolish exercise is subject to clause 128bc of the cuyahoga municipality whereby you may be punished with a water supply that spontaneously combusts.

Bumped up just because I felt like answering more questions.


Stacey said...

Could you be more of a Dweeb?

cruisin-mom said...

What do you look like?

dorothy rothschild said...

If I had a free roundtrip plane ticket to give you tp anywhere in the world other than Cleveland, where would you want to go and why?

StepIma said...


MUST Gum Addict said...

You wake up in the morning and stumble into the shower. As you turn off the water, you realize that to your horror, there are no towels left in the bathroom. The closest towel is in the linen closet in the hallway outside your bedroom. WHAT DO YOU DO?

Jack Steiner said...


Yes, there are live plants in my office and they are all green.


Only if I lived in cleveland.

Crusin Mom,

I look like Jack.


Jerusalem- because I miss it.


Why not.


Pull the comforter off of the bed, stop, drop and roll. Alternatively I might shake all the water off of my body the same way a dog dries themself.

rabbi neil fleischmann said...

What smells bring up what memories for you?

Jack Steiner said...


Smells bring up a ton of memories. Polo cologne reminds me of high school and college.

My mother's kugel makes me think of a thousand seders.

The bakery down the street smells like Mahane Yehuda and Bay Rum makes me think of my grandfather.

JJ said...

DO random thoughts have meaning?

Richmond said...

What (besides fatherhood) do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?

And if you could have a do-over or chance something in your past, what would you change (if anything)?

Jack Steiner said...


Does the pope wear a beanie. ;)


Greatest accomplishment of my life next to fatherhood, that is a good question.

I'll go with the easy answer which is not necessarily the best and say I don't know. But if I had to choose for now I'd offer two things.

1) I set up two marriages. I didn't know that it would work out that way, but I can take partial credit for those things.

2) I purchased my house without any help from anyone.

Jack Steiner said...

The secret lies in my secret sauce.

Ezzie said...

What's up with you and Stacey!?

Jack Steiner said...

I don't know. What is up with us.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .