Why Men Don't Listen To Women

"When men and women speak, the human brain processes the sounds of those voices differently, Britain's Mirror and Agence France Presse report of a new study from the U.K.'s University of Sheffield. While most of us actually hear female voices more clearly, men's brains hear women's voices first as music. But it's not music. It's someone giving them a honey-do list. So the brain goes into overdrive trying to analyze what is being said.

Bottom line:
Men have to work harder deciphering what women are saying because they use the auditory part of the brain that processes music, not human voices. Men's brains are not designed to listen to women's voices. It's not the pitch of the woman's voice, but rather the vibration and number of sound waves that cause the problem, notes Discovery News.

But guys have no trouble at all hearing each other because men use a much simpler brain mechanism at the back of the brain to decipher another man's voice and recognize it as speech.

Click here to read the rest of the story.
I would have given different reasons for why we don't listen such as lack of logic, substance and accountability but I am tired of being hit in the head with pumps and red Shmata lipstick. ;)


Topwomen said...

I've realized this for some time now, therefore I've perfected the monotone Robocop voice that gets his attention every time. In addition, for even better effect, I've learned to turn my head before I turn my body like Robocop to make him swoon and capture my every spoken word. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, so that's why I got divorced. If only the ex had been a musician. Sigh...

Jack Steiner said...


That is a new one.

If the ex had been a musician you could have been a groupie.

Jack Steiner said...


I believe that.


It depends on the topic.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .