Some of My Most Popular Posts

The following is a list of the posts that have been most widely read. It is meaningless trivia, but then again I love playing Trivial Pursuit. Go Figure. Carnivals are excluded from this list.

As a point of interest these are not necessarily my favorite posts.

Happy Holidays is An Appropriate Greeting

What The Hell Happened to Courtesy

Revenge of the Sith- Reviews

Love That Takes Your Breath Away

Pictures of the Disengagement

CNN's Interview With Mark Hamil

A funny email about anger management

Stupid Videos

It Is Not My Thong

The GermoPhobe

DNA Clears Fog Over Latino Links to Judaism

Star Wars Versus Lord of The Rings- Which has Had the Bigger Impact


Pragmatician said...

I love trivial pursuit as well, if you want to play a game I 'll have to warn you, by now I must know all question by heart.

Jack Steiner said...

Ok, here is a question. What was the name of the dog on the '80s sitcom that had the father, son, mother daughter and wacky friend combination?

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .