An Open Letter To the Insurance Companies

Dear People Of The Insurance Field,

We hold these truths to be self-evident:
  • You spend copious amounts of time constructing literature that is intentionally confusing and difficult to understand.
  • Your customer support team is confused as well by this and more often than not unable to explain the rationale and reason behind your policies.
  • You often instruct your team to deny claims because you hope that people will just let it go.
  • You are more interested in making a dime than helping people.
  • There is a ridiculous amount of bureaucratic red tape that is also intentional because it is part of a system that is designed to discourage your clients from questioning your policies.
  • If we paid you with the same speed with which you pay your claims there would be a hundred collection notices sent out to each individual account.
And that is my five minute post. Not a great rant, not even good, but it has potential.


Stacey said...

I loved this rant. It is so true!

Pragmatician said...

So true, but ultimately insurances are a business like any other, designed for maximum profit not maximum help.

Almost 20 years

Next week marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of this spot. Hard to believe, not many have kept going since then. I have barely kept up...