My Bill Collecting Service

There are a few people in the blogosphere who owe me money. Since they have been rather slow about paying I have hired a new bill collecting service. The good news is that after he breaks your arms and legs he is happy to prescribe a little morphine for the pain.


Anonymous said...

Dude, you have mobsters eating dust with a loanshark like that!

Jack Steiner said...

Be careful, he is deadly with that club.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Wow! That is one mean looking club!

Shira Salamone said...

Holy billy-clubbin' bill collector, Batman! You'd better watch your back, or else the Cro Magnon Man will be chasing *you* next! :)

Jerusalemcop said...

is the club called "Ted" also?



Jack Steiner said...

Stay tuned.

Jack Steiner said...

you too arent getting much sexseeing how much time you post and blog


My wife blogs with me. We're just fine. And I'd advise you to stay away from cleveland, there is a reason she left.

Anonymous said...


Still Good

 I need to revisit this .