I Don't Like American Idol

I just don't. I don't find it funny. Ryan Seacrest is among the most irritating people I can think of and the music generally sucks. Feh on American Idol.


Stacey said...

You watch too much TV.

StepIma said...

I love it!

some of the singers are good, every now and then a performance is amazing (or so awful it's fantastic), and even when things are bad, there's always the high-tension game of guessing how drunk Paula is, and whether she'll manage to stay upright, or finally pass out in a drunken heap before the camera pans away...

it's on my DVR forever, baby...

Ezzie said...

Last year, I only started watching from when there were 12; there were still a few bad singers, but overall there were lots of very good performances.

This year, there are only a couple who don't have much talent, and the last couple weeks have had numerous excellent performances.

I hate listening to Randy and Paula; only Simon has a brain...

Jack Steiner said...


You watch more than I do.


DVRs are evil, but I love mine.


Maybe we can get you on the show. It could be fun.

Anonymous said...


Too funny and so true on the Paula bit. Thanks for the chuckle.

I, too, enjoy AI.


I don't believe that American Idol is supposed to be funny, so I'd have to agree with you that it is not. However, I disagree with your opinion of the music generally sucking. Chris Daughtry, IMO, has an incredible sound. I enjoy listening to him sing, as well as a few of the others.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .