Fortune Smiles Upon me- Someone Else Wants to Make Me Rich

I received the following letter. My reply follows it.
TELEPHONE: 44 704 0125653
Dear Sir,
My name is John Makeni, the eldest son of the widow of late MAKENI MOMOH {Beatrice Makeni}. I want to first thank you for responding to our cry for help, I know that God in his infinite kindness and mercy would recompense you immensely. I know that my mother has already explained our situation to you in her mail but allow me to enlighten you.
My late father before he was murdered by rebel troops in my country Sierra Leone, deposited a box containing 12Million US Dollars with a security company in Spain, Europe shortly before the war. The box was registered in my name and was deposited with the security company as family art and monuments; hence the security company would not accept the box if they knew it?s content. As refugees in United Kingdom, our social status does not permit us to operate any bank account or the privilege of having travel papers; we only got to London refugee camp through the help of The INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE (IRC) this is why we need your assistance.
All that is required from you is to send your full name and address, so that I can get a notary public to secure a Power of Attorney that would enable you contact the security company. You would then enter into correspondence with the security company to release the box to you. You may be expected to go to Spain or any of the countries where the security company have receiving agents and open a non- resident bank account in your name, so that you can deposit the money after the box is released to you, you can then transfer the money by telegraphic transfer to your nominated bank account. After the money has been released you would be expected to assist us secure Visa to your country, hence we don?t feel safe living in London as refugees. For your troubles, my mother and I have decided to give you 20% of the money, while we have set aside 5% to cover any expense that would be incurred in the course of this business transaction. We intend to invest part of the remaining 75% based on your advice on any viable business in your country.
I am estimating that this transaction would be concluded within a few days from now, so forward your full name and address in other for me to secure the Power of Attorney, I also need your private telephone and fax number for easy communication, and you can also reach me on the telephone number above.
Finally and most importantly, due to the nature of this business, fear of our safety and for security reason, I strongly suggest you don?t mention this business transaction to any one.
Thanks and God bless,
John Makeni
My reply:

Dear Mr. Makeni,

Thank you for your timely response, it is duly noted. I appreciate your having selected me for this transaction. It is a great honor and something that I will cherish doing.

Prior to engaging in any sort of buisness arrangements I need to ask you a few questions that are considered to be routine and customary in my country of origin.

1) How did you select me for this venture?

2) Can you work with a truebeliever of the Church of the Mighty BullFrog? I am a Bishop in this church and as such I am cautious about my dealings. If you can guarantee a contribution it would go a long way to helping me.

3) What did your father do to earn this money?

4) I require references prior to working with people. Can you provide me with the name of three associates and their contact information.

5) What is greater? Coke or Pepsi?

6) I will require down payment of no less than $10,000.00 to begin working on your behalf. The currency must be in denominations of of five and tens with no sequential discord and disruption.

I look forward to your earliest reply.


Mr. Jack
Bishop of Bullfrog and True believer


Anonymous said...

Wow - Fortune really has smiled upon you...

I wonder what would happen if you forwarded them Shola's contact information...?

Jack Steiner said...

Shola just might want to speak with them. I wonder if I can make the shiddach.

MUST Gum Addict said...

All I get are these emails for enhancement drugs. Why can't anyone rich contact me!?!?! oh how life isn't fair....

Jack Steiner said...


Never give up hope, you just never know what can happen. ;)

Regina said...

Hey, you're in the loop now, Jack! There's nothin' but good times ahead!

Bill said...

The Bishop of Bullfrog to the rescue again?

Jack Steiner said...


From your mouth to G-d's ears.

Bill, the Bishop is always on call.

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