Pamela Anderson is boycotting the Kentucky Derby

"Pamela Anderson is boycotting the Kentucky Derby. The 38-year-old actress, who is an animal rights activist, says her opposition to animal cruelty in all its forms means she can never go back to the famed horse race."
Is anyone going to notice that she is not there. Was she ever a big presence at the race or is this just meaningless drivel that she is spouting in the hopes that someone thinks that she has something insightful and interesting to say about this.


cruisin-mom said...

"Was she ever a big presence at the race" Jack, you can't ask that question and not expect back...yes I'd say she was quite a "large" presence.
Poor Pamela...she's got to find someway to keep herself in the media. It's not like her acting skills will.

AS said...

I'm so tempted to say something here but I won't :)

Stacey said...

LOL Mirty!!

Chaim said...

Jack, there problem is that so many racy, inappropriate jokes come to mind I had to stop what I'm doing and go to a mikvah. We need a R-Rated JBlog.

Richmond said...

Oh honestly. What a load of self important crap. I would feel better if she put as much "thought" into who was riding her.

Anonymous said...

Just see if I ever come back to this blog, either.


golfwidow said...

She's just confused, poor dear. She thinks the Kentucky Derby is where Kentucky Fried Chicken comes from.

Regina said...

Don't horsies like to run? That's cruelty? I mean, I thought that's what they did best- besides eating, I guess...

Jack Steiner said...


Be nice, Pam has assets, er skills.


Be my guest.




This blog covers the entire spectrum.




I wouldn't be surprised.


I would think that horses like to run too.


The jockeys, yes I see. ;)

Anonymous said...

The Derby's run on Shabbos. My hat & I will be at shul that day, so I guess I'm boycotting, too. But I'll be sayin' kiddush on bourbon and davening extra hard for Bluegrass Cat.

Gotta love the names of some of this year's contenders: Lawyer Ron, Bob & John, Brother Derek. Not to be outdone, we came up with a few of our own: Shabbos Hat, Mashgiach Mendel, Milk & Meat and In The Beginning ("In The Beginning started out strong, Mashgiach Mendel set the pace, Milk & Meat couldn't keep it together...and it's Shabbos Hat by a head!..."). I know, time to go to work.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .