More Thoughts on Blogging and Stuff

Wow, what a week. There is so much that has gone this week and so little time to talk about it. Earlier this week I was involved in a little back channel communications with another blogger about blogging. The conversation was a bit stilted and at times less friendly than it could be.

This other man/woman has some funny ideas about their place in the world. I don't know why they think that they can poke others without fear of someone poking back. There is not a real need to go into details other than to say that if you don't like fire you should play with matches.

During the last week or so I have come up with some posts that I really like.
Where I Come From
It Would Have Been Great
A Conversation with Someone Dear To Me
Sounds of My Youth
I am proud of those. They really work for me. Every one of them can be improved upon, but flawed or not they are still meaningful to me. Blogging is a skill that can be improved with practice and effort. The more you do it the better you can become.

I don't buy the argument that you should only post once a week. I don't think that you have to only post your best material. I don't fault people for doing so, it is just not me. This blog is a snapshot of my life. I show my best and my worst.

It is not always easy. There are times that I just shake my head and wonder what I was thinking, but at the same time I learn so much from this experience.

Tonight my son and I spent a little time talking about why an education is important. I hope that he really internalizes what I am saying and that he dives headfirst into it. A good education is just so important. It is not the only thing and on its own it cannot make you a well rounded person, but it is a critical component.

A few other random items.
Britney Spears- Are You Really This Stupid
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Photographs showing pop star
Britney Spears driving a car with her infant son in her lap, in apparent violation of motor safety laws, caught the attention of child welfare authorities and ignited a media uproar on Tuesday.
Good to know that there is no corruption here.
Palestinian Authority 'may have lost billions'

"But he said he believed much more had been misappropriated. "I cannot count the numbers because I'm not an accountant. It might be billions of dollars. When I end my investigation, I'm going to put out in detail all the numbers," he said."
That is it for now. This old man has to get some sleep.


Regina said...

I post the silliest stuff sometimes- well, maybe most of the time, on my blog- but it's my blog and it makes me happy. If you're not posting for yourself, then forget about it. You have a great blog, Jack, and it makes for very interesting reading... and yes, BS (sorry about that) is really that stupid! Plus, they are not pressing charges! Gimme a break!

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Posting once a week?

Thank G-d no one ever told me that rule...then again, my wife would probably love to hear that one.

Sounds like it would cause blogstipation. All those ideas would get backed up in your head...and it would explode.


I've pointed many people towards YOUR blog as a great first time blog for people to read.

I just wish I could do a Podcast already. Taking the plunge is like staring at the freeaing cold swimming pool at 7:00 AM on a summer day. It looks freezing cold, but you know it isn't..and the day is warming up.

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

Regarding Britney Spears - when I first read the headlines and saw the picture I immediately passed judgment on her but putting oneself in her shoes with the fact she does have lots of paparazzi around her, I could understand the reaction of just wanting to get herself and her baby out of there. Of course she should have either herself or had her bodyguard take the baby and strap them in the carseat by climbing through the back of the car, but when one panics, one is not always thinking clearly.

Jack Steiner said...




Audioblogger is free. You can always test the water that way.


I wish that I was as tolerant. I just don't give her that much credit. She had other choices.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .