Blog Well and They Will Sing Your Praises

Blog Well and They Will Sing Your Praises or something like that. Click here to read

Ode to Jack, the Bishop of Bullfrog

I am honored and at a loss for words. Thank you. You'll excuse me for a moment, the excitement makes me want to croak with joy.


bornfool said...

That was great. Now you are memorialized in song. lol

AS said...

I would sing your praises, however being a professional singer I would have to charge and I'm not sure you have the funds available....

Jack Steiner said...


Who would have imagined that Shola could bring all this and more to me.


So I hear.


Hey now, without an audition tape there will be no negotiations. ;)


That is still a trillion dollars short of what it would take to save the Jets .;)



Jack Steiner said...

Not if you consider the last time my teams won a Superbowl versus you guys. ;)

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

I guess Shola could even inspire Elster to dream for the future ;-)

Jack Steiner said...

Shola, oh Shola look what you have done.

Pallywood Posts

 I think a bunch of the posts about Pallywood that have been written and or linked here have to be updated. Probably a bunch of bad links, k...