From the Mailbag

It has been a while since I last shared some of the musings of those who frequent here so here are a few.
Dear Jackass,

I suppose that you think that you are a very funny man. The clever and sensitive man who is always oozing charisma. It is too bad that you are not him. You are just fat and arrogant. I hope that choke on a chicken bone.


Dear Nicole,

Is it just me or did you just finish watching an old episode of SNL. You know the one, where Belushi pretends to be Liz Taylor choking on a chicken bone. That was pretty funny. Keep on posting.

Letter Number 2

I really enjoy your posts. I think that you are a very talented writer. Keep up the good work.

-Michael (P.S. Can you please link to my blog)


Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate them. I'd be happy to link to you blog but you forgot to give me your URL.

Letter #3
Hello Jack,

I just finished reading The Story of Two Souls and wanted to know what gave you the idea for writing that. Is it based upon personal experience.



Hi Jill,

Forgive me, but when I saw your name I had to laugh. Jack and Jill, they go together like Daniel and Anne. ;)



cruisin-mom said...

Jack...Is that first letter true? Are you really fat and arrogant? (I'm sorry, unless you've posted a picture we haven't seen, I want to know how she knows that?!!!...that struck me so funny!)and, didn't answer Jill's question, now did you?

Stacey said...

I like Danielle and Anne better. ;)

Ezzie said...

My cousin Dan married Anne. :)

Stacey said...

I meant Daniel, not Danielle!!

Jack Steiner said...


The better question is anything in this blog true. ;)


Figures. :)Too much Brokeback Mountain


And now we know the rest of the story. :)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .