The Evening Roundup


When Santa Claus Goes Wild

Peace In Our Time- Peace In The Middle East

Blast From the Past:

I Wished Death Upon Santa

On the outside looking in


AS said...

Your matisyahu link is the same as may want to fix that

Jack Steiner said...

Thank you JB, it is fixed.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

When I even think about Holocaust deniers, my blood boils. There are pictures, survivor stories, witnesses, etc.

I own an entire collection of books on the Holocaust. I told my son I wanted him to take them when I die, and make sure to pass them on to his children, so that we never forget.

Janet said...

But how can Santa die if he was never real to begin with?:)

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Barbara,

It is important to keep those memories going.


We like to be prepared for all scenarios.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .