Bruce Willis Places a Bounty On OBL's Head

"Actor Bruce Willis has offered $1 million to anyone who turns in al-Qaeda terror leaders.

The patriotic "Die Hard" star will pay out for information on the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden, Aymen Al-zawahiri or Abu Musab Al-zarqawi, the alleged brains behind the 9/11 atrocity.

Willis announced his reward on the TV show "Rita Cosby: Live And Direct," where he also denounced biased media coverage of the Iraq war.

"I am baffled to understand why the things that I saw happening in Iraq, really good things happening in Iraq, are not being reported on," Willis said."
Hat Tip to Aussie Dave, a nice guy even if he enjoys watching soccer.


Anonymous said...

At least the players don't wear padding :)~

MC Aryeh said...

Thank God for Buce Willis. Now we can all rest easy. If only Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston didn't break up, the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict they were working on might have worked!

Jack Steiner said...


See that is one of the things that shows our guys are a little smarter than yours. They know to protect themselves. ;)


So true.

Stacey said...

LOL, MCAryeh!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .