Cell Phone Hell

I need a new cellphone. I used to have one that I was very happy with. It was a Motorola V300 and it took care of most of my needs quite ably and capably. Unfortunately along with my car it was a casualty of the auto accident that took place a couple of weeks ago.

Even though the auto accident was not my fault my insurance company has said that they will not cover the replacement cost of the cellphone. I contacted the other party's insurance carrier and have asked them to cover the cost of the replacement, but I have yet to hear back from them.

The adjuster who is handling things for them hasn't returned a telephone call in three days. She has until noon today and if I have not heard from her I will go over her head and make life less comfortable for her. I hate having to do things like that, a simple telephone call would have satisfied me but now all she has done is aggravate me unnecessarily.

In case you are wondering my cellphone provider will not provide a replacement phone unless I chose to pay for it. At the time that I acquired my last phone they offered me a monthly insurance plan of $5.99. In ten years of cellphone ownership I had never lost or broken a phone so I thought that it was silly to pay $72 more each year for that service.

All this brings me back to the topic of the post, cell phone hell. I say hell because it feels like I am one of the damned. I have grown so accustomed or should I say addicted to having a phone I cannot help but notice that I really miss it.

And all around me I see all of the various cell phone service providers offering free phones, but there is a catch. Those phones are only available to new customers. The existing customers don't get a free phone or any sort of free upgrade. They get the privilege of being able to purchase the phone at a discount and the discount is almost always tied into extending your contract for another year or more.

Somewhere I hear Satan laughing. I feel the heat of his breath and I know that he is taunting me because those new phones are better than what I had. They offer new features and bells and whistles that amaze and delight.

I cannot help but be irritated that T-Mobile wants me to pay $250 for a phone that they will give away as part of activation of a new line of service. Something in this relationship smells, it stinks. It is a rotten way of doing business and I have to admit that because of my frustration with it all I am tempted to pay the early termination fee and then just sign up with a new provider who will give me one of those free phones I see all around me.

Halloween is coming and instead of the thump thump of the tell-tale heart I hear the electronic ring of a phone. It haunts me yet.


dorothy rothschild said...

I went through this about a year ago. I feel yer pain, Jack. I had an insurance plan, which I found out was essentially useless, as I'd have to wait six weeks and send the phone in, etc., and be without that whole time. I paid $150 for a phone that was being handed out for free to new customers. Grrrr.

The Misanthrope said...

I have an old Nokia phone from Verizon you can have, if that is your provider. The old phone was so much better than this new one.

Jack Steiner said...


It makes me want to yell.


I appreciate the offer. The insurance company for the other party is supposed to take care of that.

I am with T-Mobile.

Anonymous said...

Jack - Is your SIM card still in one piece? My mini me and I have been with T-Mobile for years. We usually buy our phones third-party, but I take whatever T-Mobile will give me free each year for sticking around. Therefore... I have several unused phones in my desk drawer. Email me your address and one is on its way. You can use it till you get a real replacement and do whatever you want with it afterwards. Having a spare is always good. - JG

Jack Steiner said...


I appreciate the offer. That is very kind of you. I am supposed to get a phone on Monday so all should be well.

But thank you anyway.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .