Another Snake In The Toilet Story

This past July you may recall my posting about this story:
"The fear factor is high at one Florida home - the family is afraid of going to the bathroom, and for good reason. Alicia Bailey was bitten by, what appears to be, a large water moccasin hiding in the toilet bowl in the middle of the night. The poisonous snake bit her thigh after she lifted the lid sending her to the hospital for three days.

No one knows how the snake got there, or where it went after that, so the family is a little jumpy these days. Richard Bailey tells us, "We're not looking to take it alive - I just want it out of here." Alicia adds, "We're currently very uncomfortable in our home - and toilet-shy, I would say, and real anxious for closure."

The Bailey's eleven-year-old son is now staying with neighbors, because doctors say, he would die if he were bitten by a snake that size."

And now I offer you the following

A North Plainfield couple have their toilet back now that they removed the 6-foot snake that was blocking the drain. Peter and Debbie Bias said the red- and black-spotted Brazilian rainbow boa named "Freddy" was backing up their pipes for as long as a week until they saw it and called for help.

Police called Craig Ost, a local pet shop owner who rescued the reptile.The snake, which prefers warm climates, was at death's doorstep, Ost told The Star-Ledger of Newark.

Veterinary technician Jason Zayle is caring for it now. He said she's not a bad snake. What's not clear is how Freddy got into the toilet.

The homeowners think the snake slithered into the sewer system, but Zayle told the newspaper the reptile was probably abandoned and made its way into the home."


chosha said...

Holy unexpected reptilian guests, Batman! I wouldn't need the snake to bite me - I'd just have a heart attack right there and then and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

gee, some folks are just lucky. all I find clogging my toilet is... well, nevermind!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .