Reader Grab Bag

Some recent feedback for your review.

Dear Jack,

Who is the Shmata Queen?


Hi Mick,

The Shmata Queen is a tough old broad who survived the mean streets of cleveland. She is pleased and privileged not have to been subjected to the abuse of living in detroit.

Dear Jack,

What is your secret?



I have many secrets but if I told you what they were they wouldn't be secrets now would they. Just for kicks here are a few. Back in the early '80s ducktails were big around school and camp. There was a guy at camp who was acting like a real jerk towards me. So one night while he slept I cut it off. Not nice, but I can own up to it now.

Hi Jack,

Do you get sick of people laughing when they say that you?

Hi Frankie,

No, Jack is not my full name, it is an abbreviation for Jacquesbenimbledecarnivore, but most people cannot pronounce that so I go by Jack.


Stacey said...

'She is pleased and privileged not have to been subjected to the abuse of living in detroit.'

Right sentiment, wrong city. That would be LOS ANGELES.

If I am old, you are short monkey years, of course.

Jack Steiner said...

Math girl you are mistaken. You are much older than I am which makes you older in every way, gray hairs not withstanding.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .