Jack Babbles Again

this is an audio post - click to play


Lil Bit said...

Well, I just sent you an email asking you how to make one of those little audio thingies, and here you are again w/one! LOL weeee!

Happy Upcoming Jewish Holidays (sorry, ignorant non-Jew here, who doesn't know what it's called). It sounds like a wonderful tradition that everyone should practice, whether affiliated w/a specific religious order or not. One should always take an opportunity to reflect... and question. Great points about the whole point of blogging, too, btw.
How long does this Jewish holiday last?

Anonymous said...

Major LA accent on the audio. You wouldn't be a good foreign spy ;) Anyway, many thoughts can't be placed in a political spectrum framework. Left, center, right: all have perspectives you can agree with or debate.

Jack Steiner said...

Lil Bit,

There a number of different holidays in this period. If you want a good description try http://www.jewfaq.org/holiday2.htm.


Google Audioblogger and it will walk you through a very easy process.


No one has ever said that I have an LA accent, American yes, but LA never.There is a always a first time for everything.

Anonymous said...

"No one has ever said that I have an LA accent, American yes, but LA never.There is a always a first time for everything."

Well, i could tell a Newyorker from an LA'er. They have different accents. LA'ers oftenly end sentences with: 'and eehm.....' while newyorkers talk like they are wired all of the time. People from the midwest have a specific accent and talk noticably slower, or more relaxed, than their city counterparts.

Jack Steiner said...

Hmmm....I'll have to think about that one.

Lil Bit said...

Thanks for the tip, Jack. I'll check it out sometime.

Jack Steiner said...

Hey Lil Bit,

Not a problem.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .